Az Alapítványról
Hírek, információk
2007 az Orosz Nyelv Éve
2005 Magyar-Orosz Kulturális Évad
Az alapítvány díjai
Hírek, információk

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Hírek, információk

A honlap szerkesztője: Gyimesi Zsuzsanna

Az Európai Unió - Oroszország - új érintkezési formák
2007. november 15-16-án nemzetközi tudományos ülésszakot rendeztek Szófiában az Európai Unió és Oroszország előtt álló kihívásokról.

A konferencia társszervezői voltak Bulgária, Oroszország és Németország különböző kulturális és kulturpolitikai szervezetei.
A konferencia résztvevői mintegy tizenkét különböző országból sereglettek össze. Magyarország és egyben az Alapítvány az Orosz Nyelvért és Kultúráért képviseletében Búr Gábor vett részt, az ELTE BTK docense és az alapítvány kuratóriumának titkára. Búr Gábor "Szovjet-Magyar Baráti társaság: mítosz és valóság" címmel tartott előadást a konferencián.

A konferencia céljai közt szerepelt különböző állásfoglalások körvonalazása. Az alábbiakban olvasható ezen szándékok angol nyelvű összefoglalása (orosz oldalunkon ugyanez orosz nyelven is megtekinthető).


The International conference "The European Union - Russia - challenges of the new communication", which was held on 14 - 17 November 2007, took place at the initiative of the Federation for friendship with the peoples of Russia and of the Newly Independent States and Slaviani Foundation (on the Bulgarian part), the Russian Center for International Scientific and Cultural Cooperation to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (ROSZARUBEZHCENTRE), the Russian Cultural Information Center in Sofia, the Foreign Policy Association (Germany) with the assistance of the European Commission and European parliament, MFA of Russian Federation and the MFA of the Republic of Bulgaria.
The conference was held with the purpose of analyzing the accumulated experience and searching for new forms and models for cooperation between the Russian and foreign NGOs in the development of the "Together for the Future" Forum for Civil Cooperation between the European Union and Russia, which took place on 17-18 November 2006 in the town of Lahti (Finland), whose aim was the further cooperation between Russia and the European Union through the non-governmental organizations and structures of the civil society.
120 Representatives of the Parliaments of the European countries and the European Parliament, of governmental and non-governmental organizations from the countries of the European Union and Russia, scientists, specialists in different spheres of the social development, cultural figures and representatives of the mass media took part in the work of the Conference.

Acknowledging the importance of "EU - Russia" dialogue within the framework of the NGO-area and the indispensability of creating a constant consultative platform for the NGO associations on the programs for cooperation between EU - Russia, the participants discussed a complex of problems related to the improvement of the international activity of the non-governmental organizations within the framework of the European NGO-area;
- admitting the Council of Europe position on positively appreciating the role of civil society structures for the social-economic development on the territories and achieving social and political stability;
- adopting the contents of p. 1 of the Council of Europe Statute on uniting the European nations on the basis of the common democratic values and respect toward the cultural and national traditions;
- declaring its support to the civil society through joining the efforts of all social sectors for development of the documents of the UN Global Contract;
- accepting the principle of “Development of the civil society through European integration” as a basis for the NGOs' international activity;
- acknowledging the significance of the "Together for the Future" International Forum on Civil Cooperation between the European Union and Russia for achieving mutual agreement and trust not only among the non-governmental organizations but also among the institutions of the civil society, business and government.

The participants in the International Conference "The European Union -Russia - challenges of the new communication" consider it important:
- to encrease the active role and high importance of the NGO diplomacy institutions for solving the problems, which have common roots (demography, environment, economy, culture, education, etc.);
- the development of the integration opportunities of the civil society institutions in the setting up of "Russia - EU" unified humanitarian area;
- the necessity for keeping a constant dialogue within the humanitarian dimensions of the international relations, which is an important factor for creating an atmosphere of trust in the NGO system of relations;
- creation and introduction of such integration technologies that allow the transition from single activities to programs and innovation clusters.

In connection with the above the Conference recommends:
- to continue the practice for utilization of constantly operating platforms in the "EU - Russia" dialogue to be continued within the framework of the NGO - area;
- to set up common complex programs, which can be realized jointly with the cultural centers of the other countries and the international NGOs;
- a Consolidated Commission of the Public Organizations shall be formed from the representatives of NGOs of the member-countries within the topic of "Russia - The European Union: integration and development of NGOs", which shall contribute to the preparation and realization of the mutual complex programs, shall give an opportunity for timely reaction to the social-humanitarian challenges, and also shall make and keep a constant dialogue among NGOs within the European Union and Russia;
- to highlight the practice of organizing joint forums in Russia and the European countries (workshops, conferences, exchange of delegations, research and etc.) with the purpose of working out effective joint initiatives;
- to use the NGO potential active for consolidation of the international cooperation in the humanitarian sphere, in the field of social development, culture, science, youth and women's movements, protection of children's rights, tourism, entrepreneurship;
- to compile and publish a collection of materials of the Conference: participants' reports and introductions and send the Conference materials and the recommendations to leading authorities and organs of the EU and the participating countries.

The participants of the Conference accepted the proposal for convening the coming forums in Germany in 2008 and in Hungary in 2009.

The Conference participants extend their thanks to the Bulgarian Federation of Friendship with the peoples of Russia and the Newly Independent States and to the Russian Cultural and Information Centre in the city of Sofia for creating good atmosphere and conditions for the work of the Conference.


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